Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marianne: Outgoing.

There was a time when I went "out" a lot. I was young, and a bartender in New York, and that was what you did. You went out. But now? Well, I haven't really been "out" in ages. Months. Quite possibly years. But the other night, I got my hair did and spackled on some makeup and bought myself a $7 shirt and I. Went. Out.
I left the kiddo at home with her dad and went to dinner and then to a terribly smoky bar with some girlfriends. To be honest, the smoky bar was a bummer. I felt like it took a year off my life. But otherwise, it was fun, even if I was home by midnight. Back in the day I wasn't even heading out for the night at midnight. Ah.
Check out my snazzy bracelet. I made that. Yeah. Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it later.
top: Gap Pleated Drape Top (on sale for $6.98 at my store!)
rhinestone bracelet: Target (similar here)
shoes: Miz Mooz Hazel (similar style here)


  1. Adorable! Oh lord, it's been so long for me too. A few weeks ago it was a HUGE deal to go out to dinner around 9pm and just a few years ago I used to go out at least every other night and come home at 4am. Sigh.

    Yeah, I wanna check out that bracelet!

  2. Oh, the bracelet looks AMAZING. And so do you!

  3. I love it. Going out the "mom" way!!!

  4. Cigarette smoke in a bar? Does that still exist? It's not even allowed in Ireland.
    You look fabulous!

  5. Oooh, been thinking about making that bracelet. It looks fabulous with your outfit!

  6. Lisa, I know! There are only a couple of places here where you can still smoke inside, it's awful!

    And thanks, everyone!

  7. You hair looks amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing how you made the bracelet, it's so cute.

  8. You look so great! I love the accessories and your HAIR!


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