Friday, August 5, 2011

Adrien: More Highlights.

Inspired by Marianne (and by our round of creative poses last summer) I also decided to pose in a more awesome manner, JUST TO MAKE YOU ALL HAPPY. 


You are so funny! (I am alone.) that up there?

Oh, woe is my hair:

This? My bosom? I contemplate:

Scary monster! 



dress: Max Edition (similar)
sandals: Ann Taylor (similar)
bag: Rebecca Minkoff Morning After Mini
key necklace: Twist Style


  1. BRAVA, my friend! Also, I am loving that dress. Did you get it recently?

  2. Just came here to say the exact same thing Marianne just said. I was laughing at the poses, but was distracted by how much I love that dress!

  3. HA! i like the norms -- i guess i'm "old" like that. i don't get all the FB pics of my 20-something friends jumping and jowling (WTH?).

  4. My vote goes for scary monster, hands down. I haven't commented in a little while so I need you to know that I still think you're flippin' hilarious. And stylish.

    Ciao for now!


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