Monday, August 1, 2011

Marianne: It's Hot.

You guys? Go read our excellent interview on Get Off My Internets. Ranow.

I love summer. Really, I love the heat, I love going to the pool as much as possible, I love all of the great produce. But y'all? It is HOT. So hot that I misspelled my name in the title at first and that I have trouble mustering up more of an outfit than this.
Seriously, I put on a belt for about a minute and nearly started crying. The necklace made my neck sweat, but come on. We live in a SOCIETY. I have to at least try to accessorize.
My favorite accessory? Bed-headed toddler.
dress: Land's End Canvas Fit-and-Flare (similar here)
necklace: super old from Target (similar here)
bracelets: one Koa bangle from Hawaii (similar here), one made from this tutorial


  1. You know, when it's this hot I can't stand to LOOK at more outfit than you've got going on here. You look cool-ish. Thank you for not making my eyes sweat.


    ps word verification: "fartiv"--is that a discreet gastroinestinal emanation?

  2. love those blue shoes with the khaki skirt. you are lovely!

  3. the comments about remixing (i get so sick of every.effing.blogger remixing at the same time) and gushing about your husband (makes me feel like i don't looove mine enough) cracked me up.

  4. That's a dress? I thought it was two separate pieces! It's so cute and I love that your shoes are teal (your other accessory is adorable, too!). I clicked on the link for the dress, which was no longer available. Do you know where I might find a similar style? Thanks!

  5. Thanks, guys! Adriana, it is a great, easy dress. It is from Land's End Canvas, but I bought it last year. The style is the fit and flare dress, one might show up on eBay? If you go to and search "combo dress" or "two piece dress", there are some semi-similar looks, but not for nearly as cheap as this one was. I am sorry I am not more helpful!


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