Thursday, April 4, 2019

We Discuss: Overpriced Cotton Dresses

M: It’s still so chilly that I can’t get excited about anything

A: This weather, man.

M: And to top it all off when I do see something that I maybe like it is inevitably $300

M: Like, is this just how it is now?

A: It is when you aren’t buying things from H&M and Target, yeah. I guess.

M: Kind of a bummer

A: It is, but the idea is to have less things, just better things

A: But $300 is no bueno

M: Oh I know, and that’s the goal, but yeah I cannot bring myself to drop that much on one dress

A: No way

M: Especially when they are just floaty cotton summer dresses

A: we should probably have done this “no fast fashion” thing in the winter

M: Oh wait it’s $200 not $300 but still:

M: Yeah summer will be a challenge. But I guess that’s the point

A: It kinda looks like a nightgown

M: Yeah that’s kind of my jam. With clogs

A: Why is that cotton nightgown $200?

M: right??

M: rude

A: It’s pretty but the lightest color is VERY nightgown

M: Oh yes that one def is

M: I think it comes down to the styling

A: Like, don’t wear it with slippers

M: right

M: But THIS is what it should cost:

A: Ooh, I like that

M: 😞


M: GODDAMMIT again whyyyyyy are all these floaty cotton dresses $200

A: Oh hell no

M: I mean you know those people in India making them are not getting that money

A: Totally not

M: Their stuff is really pretty tho:

M: But also “free size” on that first one. Come on

A: Oh, fuck off with that

M: 🙄


M: I have like 7 dresses from Mango open on my browser right now

A: Heh

M: I could really just GO IN on being that animal print lady:

A: Oh my god I love that print! I wish it was three feet shorter

M: It would be worth hemming but again $130 for a polyester dress

M: hmph

M: But I freaking love the print

M: This is also festive and quite pretty:

A: Nice!

A: I really dig this:

M: And this yellow is My Color and it’s actually freaking COTTON:

A: Oooh

M: Also cotton, and also very Elio’s Mom. Elio’s Mom Season is approaching:

A: That is very nice

M: Another obsessed animal print in my color:

A: That’s cool, just ignore my dress

M: And lastly another Elio’s Mom dress just waiting for huaraches:

M: I had to get that all out of my system!

A: Just bury it up there

M: I saw that dress and it is also cute! I like the sleeve. I personally probably need a little more of a waist because my boobs and ass are so big

A: It was for me, dude

A: That last one is so good

M: It’s also a challenging neckline I think with that high kind of v-neck?


M: I’m sorry!

A: No, you killed it for me

M: You never know unless you try it though


  1. I ordered the multi color stripe dress yesterday. I reallllly hope I love it because I have already returned 3 summer dresses that I hated.

  2. Seriously though, I don't want to buy crap clothes, but $300? Totally agree.


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