Tuesday, March 24, 2020

State Of The Blog (and Quarantine Luxuries.)

Hi guys, Adrien here. I've been spinning my wheels the past few days trying to figure out what to do about the blog, so I thought I'd just ask: what would you like to see here? What would be helpful? Do you want an escape in the form of online shopping recs, or does that feel completely tone-deaf?

I understand I am one of the lucky ones - I have a full time job that I'm able to do from home and I don't have kids, so I am not having to juggle full-time parenting with a WFH set-up. I definitely understand that everything right now is bigger and more serious than a great sale at Nordstrom, you know?

But real talk - this blog supplements my (non-profit level) income. I am thankful for the incredible generosity from the readers who are kind enough to trust our recommendations and purchase through the links. This blog helped me through a divorce and supported me when I was very single and quite broke. That said, I wouldn't keep posting if it wasn't also fun and this blog certainly couldn't have survived ten years if we didn't have amazing and loyal readers. Thanks so much for coming back again and again. (Even if we're a hate-read! We'll take it.)

So, what feels right? Do you guys care about work-from-home outfits? Do you want to know how we are transitioning to working from home? Do you want products recs to make your at-home life more comfortable? Book recs? TV recs? Tell me what would be helpful. And hey, if you just want online shopping recommendations, y'all know we will always have those.

Now, a little distraction. My good friend Heather recently posted on Facebook asking what our biggest quarantine luxuries are. It turned into a really fun conversation and ended with me blowing a BlueMercury gift card on the following:

This Molton Brown hand soap was my friend's #1 quarantine luxury. If you have to wash your hands thirty times a day, might as well be fancy about it, right? I also bought a second Kosas lipstick (in Fringe) because I love the formulation and wearing a bit of lipstick around the house makes me feel less like a sloth: 

And, I re-purchased my current favorite moisturizer which is the only thing my face can handle when I have a bad reaction (often triggered by stress):

It's not crazy expensive and it feels amazing on my face - my skin just soaks it up. Fair warning: it contains mineral oil which some beauty experts say is the devil but even Caroline Hirons, who hates mineral oil, gave Avène a pass because so many people swear by it. If you have reactive skin, definitely consider trying this moisturizer. 

That doesn't really answer the question about what my quarantine luxuries might be, but it's a start: fancy, comforting products and maybe these leggings in blue which Athleta just put on sale. Oh, also, those Target Archer Farms snack mixes are LEGIT.

So, your turn! What do you want from the blog right now? Also, what are your stuck-at-home/quarantine luxuries, big or small?


  1. I've been following your blog for a few years now and I think this the first time I've commented! But in these desperate times, I feel the need to make my voice heard :) My vote would be business as usual - I don't see a need to change your content. I love the shopping recs, the lists of things you're reading/watching/etc, and the outfits - even if they are more casual than normal! In all seriousness, I think we can all use a pleasant distraction from the news right now...

    1. Thank you! This helps a lot.

    2. Ditto what Leslie said. I like a bit of an internet shopping distraction and would love sale round ups - I'd imagine there are quite a few w/ all the closings and whatnot. It might be cool to find "local" retail sales around the country so we can all help one another's communities. We could all send in recs!

  2. I agree with Leslie; do what you do, you do it well:) Although, since you're asking and since we're both cyclists who also like pretty things. What about "how to do do your hair when you went for a ride and don't want anybody to know?" kind of things. Allez, allez..

    1. Hahhaa. First suggestion: get short hair. A quick blow dry and some balm product to make your look piece-y and deliberate and you're good to go. Never saw a thing.

  3. I’d love work from home outfits, self care (like diy facials, or whatever), music you’re currently jamming to, and I always love the Marianne dialog!

  4. I also vote business as usual. I need a good distraction. I’m always up for book or tv recs. I’m not really buying anything right now, but I still want to know what the trends are.

  5. I also vote business as usual! I need an escape every once in a while and your blog has always been a go to for that. Also it might be nice to know which retailers are supporting their companies during this time: I just heard Nordstrom is suspending operations with pay and that Sephora is also closing stores with pay. I would like to support places that are doing those kinds of things! But yes. Long comment short: business ad usual. I need to be distracted from reality.

  6. I like the recommendations of products. Just keep doing what you are doing.

  7. Keep it coming! This space is a much needed escape, and we love you.

  8. Business as usual, but I don’t want you to feel like you *can’t* talk about how you’re transitioning, etc. We’re all living a temporary new normal and it’s be silly to try to keep it 100% off the blog.

  9. Just keep on being Adrien and Marianne! I'd be fine with that.

  10. I like it all - wfh outing its, shopping recommendations, commentary between you and Marianne, family, movies, TV shows. Really it’s all good & appreciated 💖

  11. I agree that to keep on keepin on is great. Definitely include Marianne. My quarantine luxury is going to be a ridiculous pair of metallic copper Birks that I ordered last week. Once they arrive.

  12. 1st of all, you're giving me something to read (and pretty pictures), and I really appreciate that. I have tons of books, but I find it hard to focus on anything long term. Second, my quarantine treat is Kiehl's hand lotion in wonderful scents like grapefruit and coriander and lavender. Nordstrom rack has everything 20% off right now, so I ordered another stash.

    1. Oooh, I love the coriander Kiehl's stuff! Thanks for the tip.

      And thank you for the encouragement!

  13. Please carry on! I adore you both, not in a weird stalker way, but in a "we are the same age and that doesn't always feel so visible in other corners of the internet" way. I love your product reviews (even though I can't order most of it since I'm out of the country). There's plenty of other websites to get the serious stuff.

  14. So much love for you guys and this blog! Keep the content coming, please. Plus cats.

  15. Love your blog and so glad it has been helpful to you as well! I would love tips on how to start a skin care routine as a new sleep deprived mummy who just turned 42. Also, anything on organizing a closet would be nice. I do love your "What you love" posts and any show recommendations would also be great. Thanks.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I say keep on keepin' on!! The seriousness of what is happening right now is all around us, so fun distractions are desperately needed. Maybe some of your favorite #staythefhome recipes??? Good books, too. Have gotten lots of good recommendations from you. The latest book I read (about 6 weeks ago) based on a recommendation on your blog was the Doomsday Book. Loved it, but that was some interesting timing!!!

    1. Ha! I would probably not recommend Doomsday Book right now.

  18. Please keep doing what you've been doing, I love reading anything you post.

  19. First of all, I love your blog. A few years ago I read 15 or so fashion blogs regularly. Now I'm down to just yours. I really appreciate the writing style, the realistic outfits, and the conversations between you and Marianne are just the best. I don't think online shopping recs are at all tone-deaf. However, I know I'm getting depressed looking at all the great sales and not knowing when I'd get to wear the pretty clothes. Maybe shopping recs for stay-at-home stuff? I'd also appreciate WFH outfits. I'm struggling to put together profesh-enough for Zoom tops with lounge bottoms that don't look completely ridiculous when I go outside to walk the dog. Thanks so much for the great content!

  20. OMG you could literally change nothing and I would still check the blog every day and read every entry. But if you wanna post WFH outfits, that's cool!

  21. Agree with others - keep business as usual. It's great to have a break, see some interesting new products, have a chuckle or two at your wonderful sarcasm. You guys are great. Just keep it up!

  22. I vote for biz-as-usual, with maybe upping the dialogues and non-fashion rex. Your content is always welcome, in my book. And also don't listen to any haters who tell you to shy away from any political chat, for serious. Cheers to staying healthy and relatively sane!


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