Thursday, March 26, 2020

Beauty In The Time of Quarantine.

So, here we are, stuck in the house and realizing a lot of our daily routine is kind of irrelevant. I am definitely ignoring most of my wardrobe and wearing the same two or three comfy pieces and I can't tell you when I last wore a bra with underwire. Heh.

One thing I have kept up with, and even taken more time with, is my skincare/beauty routine. I am wearing MUCH less makeup (mostly just enough to look decent in Zoom meetings) but it makes me feel SO much more human to keep up a routine. Every morning I take a shower, change into "work" clothes, do my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. Mainly just some tinted moisturizer, concealer, a dab of Cloud Paint on my cheeks and mascara. I also usually put on my new Kosas lipstick because it feels like lip balm and makes me happy. 

Is this necessary? Not really. Does it make it easier to face another day working alone at my dining room table? Absolutely, it does. Also, now is a GREAT time to test out all those samples you've been hoarding! I have a little tub full of all kinds of products that I want to start working my way through. Most recent discovery:

I'd tried It Cosmetics CC Cream before and wasn't that impressed because it seemed SO thick and never set on my skin. The trick, I've discovered, is to use about half of what you normally would and blend it with a slightly damp makeup sponge. (This method makes the SPD 50 protection in this product irrelevant, but you shouldn't really be depending on your tinted moisturizer for sunscreen anyway.) When I do that my skin looks glowy and even but not made up. I use a bit of my favorite not-fucking-around concealer where needed and I'm good to go for the day. 

Now, someone had asked in the comments about creating a skincare routine in your 40s. My routine (which is here, with some changes I'll mention below) is kind of insane but I actually enjoy the ritual of it and it makes me feel like I'm doing something nice for myself. If you don't have the time or the bandwidth for all that? No worries, just do this: wash your face (not with a wipe) add ONE serum or active that best addresses your needs and moisturize. And, as always, SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY. I wish I could go back in time and say that to my 20 year old self. 

Now, if you don't know where to even start with a serum/active, I have a few suggestions. A vitamin C serum is usually the first recommendation from skincare experts but my skin doesn't love l-ascorbic acid (the form of Vitamin C in most serums) so I have lately been using this one by Ghost Democracy:

It contains a vitamin C derivative (the same one in my beloved but expensive Sunday Riley serum) that might not be as crazy effective as l-ascorbic acid  but will still give you benefits. This serum also contains Bakuchiol, a retinol alternative! I have only been using it a few weeks but so far I like it and it's not outrageously expensive.

Other serum options to consider: peptides (I use The Buffet currently), exfoliating acid (I love Good Genes), Hyaluronic acid (I prefer an overnight mask) and/or a retinol. I am currently using Murad Youth Renewal for retinol (Skinstore currently has 20% off Murad plus a free Retinol Youth Renewal Duo when you spend $75) but The Ordinary also has some very good, and basic retinol options.

And, like I said, you can just pick one or two! It's easy to get bogged down and feel like you have to use everything. Some of mine I use daily, some only once or twice a week. Sometimes, if my skin is being reactive, I just moisturize and leave it alone. Don't over-think it.

This got really long so I'm going to stop now, but has anyone been going through their sample hoard? What are you loving?


  1. Go you! I have just been turning off my video and using my profile pic for meetings. Of course, this is how everyone on my team has been doing this.

  2. I just click the "enhance" button (it's not called that, but it's in the video options)

  3. I am using all my wee bottles of bath bubbles. I had a Molton Brown gift set and some cool stuff from a post-modern hotel in Nashville in February . . . poor Nashville. they got belted in the face twice this year.

  4. This is great! I've been wondering about good makeup options when I'm rarely leaving the house. (It just feels wrong to skip it, especially if there's video chat involved). In a similar vein, I'd love a post about the best options for those of us who are going to have roots showing here soon. I don't do home hair color, but surely there must be some idiot-proof options out there, right? Maybe a gloss? But if I get it wrong, it's not like I can go to a professional to fix it. Eek.

    1. Girl, I have no idea! I haven't colored my own hair in years and I'm scared to even try.

    2. I like Root Touch Up! Blends seamlessly with your colour.

  5. off topic, this cat bed made me think of you:

  6. Thank you for giving me some places to start with skincare. I got Sunday Riley CEO oil so far.

  7. Thank you for the explanation about the it CC cream! Everyone who wears it looks like they're wearing a mask.
    I cleaned out my sample hoard a while ago - distributed to friends. But I decided to use this stay-at-home time to do one of those foot peels. I'm nervous.

  8. I wore the IT CC cream for years and loved it until all of a sudden one day I didn’t. I pulled it out recently to try it again and it was awful. Maybe I’ll try it with the blender.

    1. The only way it works on me is if I just use a tiny bit and go super sheer with it. Otherwise, it looks like hell.

  9. I will now dedicate 100% of the time I was using to stress-scroll the news to do zen meditation on the name of the manufacturer of your serum. Ghost Democracy? Like, if democracy constitutes rule by the people, are ghosts still people? Why that particular form of governance? Why governance at all if you are, y'know, a ghost? It's not like you have needs. (Unless you are tragically murdered banker Sam Wheat, and have longings for your living, breathing girlfriend the potter Molly Jensen. Is Oda Mae the press secretary of the ghost democracy? Who is the president? Or do they use a parliamentary system?)

    1. I feel like if you are a ghost, it means you have unfinished business and, therefore, you have needs. Perhaps they all work together to solve their ghostly unfinished business on earth?


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