Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Marianne: Bustling Fauxvenues

First, a quickie review of my new Miz Mooz Hazel sandals.

I love them. The end.
What, you want more? They are perfectly just-high-enough without being painful or the least bit unstable. They have a great cushioned footbed and the wooden sole is balanced just right so I can walk in them easily.
I also love that the front strap is a bit more delicate, because I think it's more flattering. Totally worth the money!

On to my Outfit of the Day. We'll start with my inspiration, the Bustling Avenues dress from Anthropologie. I had a serious crush on this dress when it was in stores--the color combination and the cut was right up my alley. Even though I loved to look at the pictures of it, I never felt like I had to have it.
However, when I found this skirt at The Limited (thanks again, Lindsay!), the wheels in my little brain started turning...
So I grabbed my Claudine tee, threw on a belt, and viola! My Bustling Fauxvenues not-dress:
A note on the picture, I am trying to figure out my camera timer so I can take pictures in the morning before I leave. The angle is all wrong, and it's too dark, but I'm getting there!
Also, this skirt is maybe a bit short for work. Whoops.
I love the look anyway. Even when the camera snaps before I can look up. And I love, love, love my new shoes!
top: Ric Rac Claudine tee for anthropologie
belt: Forever 21
skirt: The Limited
shoes: Miz Mooz


  1. Love! Love all of it. And dude, legs like that REQUIRE a short skirt now and then.

  2. Everything that Adrien said.

  3. Cute cute cute!

    I really love the second look. That skirt is great!

  4. Love the shoes! Though I'm clearly biased :)

  5. I am fielding compliments left and right and stalking more of your shoes!

  6. Look at that! A show celebrity right here on our little blog.


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