Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Marianne: Bad Example.

After I read Adrien's post, I had big plans to show her how I wear denim skirts without looking shapeless or lumpy. I love a denim skirt, I just find that you either need to wear a top made of a sturdy material (like I did here), or I wear something that floats away from the body a bit. You can't wear anything made of a thin material that is also fitted, or it's lump city. In this case I bought this t-shirt a size larger so it would be loose. The only problem?
Well, honestly, I look a little lumpy and shapeless here. Oh well. The other outfit link above is better, at least.
Gratuitous neon accents. That's how I roll.
denim skirt: J. Crew (similar here)
t-shirt: LOFT (similar here)
bracelets: handmade
sandals: Bobbi Blue (similar here)


  1. Oh, the bracelets are so cool!

  2. While we're on the topic of denim skirts looking shapeless and lumpy, I just ran across this photo of Gwyneth (indeed!) looking less than svelte in a denim skirt.

    Schadenimfreude, anyone?

  3. I think you look great there. I love the sandals too. Also, like, can you make me one of those bracelets and I will send you the money?! They are so pretty and funky.

  4. see I think you look super cute here... but we are always harder on ourselves than others so I get where you're coming from. I love your pedi!


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