Monday, July 18, 2011


source: the Sartorialist

A: Oh, look, it's the Shobbit's favorite "sturdy" subject. She is gorgeous. I want to punch him in the face.

M: Take a gander at those sturdy, peasant like size 6 legs.

A: Oh, I know, right? That dress could maybe be a little longer, but she's working it. I love that she's all, "Sturdy? I'll be taking your photo too, shrimpy."

M: I mean if you want to talk sturdy...

A: God, that photo never gets old for me. He looks like a circus sideshow.

M: I know we have linked to it before, but I seriously think it is one of my favorite images ever. I want to blow it up and hang it on the wall and eat popcorn and laugh and laugh and laugh.

A: Hours of fun for the whole family! I think Angelika might need to tip her camera down or she's only going to get the top of his cereal box of a head.

M: I would love to see her photo. I bet it is actually of the building behind him.

A: It would be nice if he posted the link to her blog but, oh right! He's kind of a jerk.

M: She's like "Oh, the little man is taking my picture again! Hello, little man."

A: HA. I found an actual good photo of the outfit she's wearing. On her blog:

M: Damn, she is pretty. DAMN.

A: I know, right? She makes me want to wear more blush. Like, right now.

M: And lipstick and goodness Marianne would you do something with that HAIR?

Sorry, my great Aunt Angeline just took over for a minute.

A: And I want to go to Italy and take outfit photos in the street.

M: And I think one day I would like to become Lee Radziwill:

source: the Sartorialist

A: Oh, totes.

M: I'd wager that she never gets lipstick in her braces.

A: Braces? Oh honey.

M: Sigh. I know.

A: Ladies like that are born fully-formed with Hermes bags already on their arm. It's deeply unfair.

M: I am just not done evolving, I think.

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