Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Marianne: Better?

Okay, so I will admit that I have struggled with these jeans since I got them. They are ridiculously soft and comfortable, truly as close as I will ever get to Pajama Jeans, I can promise you. But...and I swear I am not trying to be self deprecating...I am still not convinced that they are flattering.
I took your advice from before and went with a more fitted shirt on top, in a bright color. And I do think it looks a lot better. But compare to these jeans, and to me the darker wash is more flattering to the ol' hips and rear.
Am I just not used to the light wash? Is it all in my head? Because these are some seriously wonderful jeans to wear. They feel so good on and fit so well.
Yeah, the kid is still horning in on my photos. I am sorry.
top: anthropologie "Climbing Cowlneck" (similar here)
bracelets: handmade


  1. I think that maybe you just aren't used to the lighter wash. I know I have that problem sometimes too. I love my dark wash jeans and I'm a little thrown when I wear a lighter wash. I definitely think that the jeans look better with the more form fitting, brighter top too.

  2. I think they look great on you. I do think lighter washes tend to make us all FEEL like we look larger, but I don't think we actually do.

    Completely unrelated: look how long your daughter's hair is getting! Wow!

  3. it's in your head. they look stellar, and this top is perfection.

  4. Totally agree. They look great on you!!

  5. The second I saw the first pic, before I started reading, I thought....those jeans are SO flattering!! Then my second thought was....I can't remember the last time my stomach was so flat. Then I remembered my enchilada dinner, chips and salsa, and beers I had last night. Then I read your post, and...well...I guess I answered your question.

  6. I think darker jeans are (almost) always going to be the most flattering, but these look really good on you too!

  7. Aw, thanks y'all. And Kim, the high waisted jeans are so good for the post partum belly!

  8. the jeans are awesome on you--work it, girlfriend...:)

  9. I love the way they look, I think it's all in your head. ;-)

    You are missing the butt shot, as how jeans fit on your bottom makes or breaks the deal. Well, that and camel toe. If you see camel toe, it's a no-go.


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