Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adrien: Banana Republic needs an attitude adjustment.

What's going on Banana Republic? Seriously, do we need to talk? Is everything okay? Because lately you've been...less than enthusiastic.  A little washed-out. A bit...unflattering. And despite the scary, scary sales lady who claims everything "LOOKS GREAT I'LL TAKE THIS TO THE REGISTER FOR YOU", I'm not feeling it this season. (And from the looks of it, Kate isn't either.)

The Silk Watercolor print top  looked really cute on the website. And on the hanger. Not so much on me:

I mean, wow, if I want to look pregnant or need a blouse that doubles as a floatation device, absolutely. But for a nice flowy top, it's just got too much everything. (I think I'm wearing the Skinny Crop chino with this and they were also not good.)

I then tried on the Weekend chino and the scary sales lady was all, THOSE FIT YOU PERFECTLY. Um:

Yeah, they "fit" as long as I didn't breathe, sit down or move, but otherwise I think maybe just a teeny tiny bit snug. the next size up gaped horribly in the waist so not happening.

The whole purpose of my visit was the Empire ruffle dress which I ordered it with a coupon code because it looks cute on the website. Sadly, it's a big old pile of no.  Behold how uncute it actually is:

And that's the extra-small! It looks just like a nightgown. It does come in a cute tiny striped version but they didn't have any in my size when I went to exchange it, so I think I'm just going to return it.

Finally I tried on this dress, which was some random sale rack find so old it's not even on the website anymore:

It was weird. And short. And you can't tell from the photos but it had weird front pockets that pooched out. I mean, for pete's sake, Banana. No lady wants poofy pockets on a fitted dress!

Banana Republic, I think you need a time out.


  1. Oh, so sad! The last picture kills me. I just got a BR gift card but I don't even know what I want from there! Might have to be spent elsewhere.

  2. Sadness. Except for two dresses I bought last spring, I have found BR stuff to be unflattering as hell on me.

  3. You are not alone -

  4. BR has been the suck for a good year now. Everything seems really loose in tops/dresses and tight in bottoms. That said, the shirt silk/cotton dress they have online right now in gray and black is really nice IRL. They've stepped up their game with shoes too - very comfy and well-made. I used to spend a ton of money there and this year I end up returning everything I order online it seems.

  5. haha you are too cute! I love the dismayed face you're making in the last photo.

  6. I agree completely! I even ordered and returned the empire ruffle dress in pink--not a good look for me. And don't get me started on the super skinny arms on their jackets and other wovens!


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