Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Adrien: Play Clothes. ON Review. Dresses That Will Never Die.

Every summer I need play clothes. Just simple, cute and washable options for super hot days and running around on weekends. I have a few pairs of shorts and will wear them if I have to but I really prefer simple light dresses. Last week I went to Old Navy (my favorite place for disposable summer wear) and tried on a few bits just for you:

The Broomstick Gauze Cabana Dress looked cute in the dressing room:

...and not so cute when I got it home. It sort of puffs out around the stomach area which...no. Plus it requires some kind of fancy skinny strap bra-action that I don't own. Too high maintenance for an "easy" summer dress. Back it goes.

I was having a hard time with the Envelope-Neck Jersey Dress:

On the one hand I love me some stripes and I'm sad I missed it in black and white. On the other hand it's really freaking short. This is the medium and if I raise my arms you might get to see my underwear. Marianne pointed out that it would make a nice summer bathing suit cover type thing and I think she's right. For $10 it's probably worth keeping.

The Floral-Print Voile Skirt was sort of cute but for some reason the waist was stretched out and wouldn't stay in a flattering place. I kind of like it though, especially with the Beaded Rib-Knit Tank:

I didn't buy either of these.

I was interested in the Embroidered Keyhole Tops for throwing on with jeans or shorts:

Two words: Holy. Huge. They were just way too voluminous and I like a voluminous top. Wow.
This next dress doesn't appear to be on the website. I wasn't too impressed with it when I tried it on but now, looking at the photo, I'm wondering if maybe it wouldn't be a good replacement for the Dresses That Will Never Die*. I might have to go back and revisit this one:

*DTWND: I bought three comfy cotton jersey dresses (same dress, different colors) four-ish years ago from AE and have worn the living crap out of them to the point that it's kind of a joke. THEY WON'T DIE. They just keep on keeping on. I think I might have a million photos of me in one of these three dresses. I really think it's time to retire them even though they're perfectly good. On a whim, I paged through my iPhone photo album to see if I'm wearing one in any of last summer's photos. First picture (no lie):

And here I am wearing it in Knoxville in 2006:

And here at a party in 2007:

Seriously, they will not die.


  1. It's a cute dress, it doesn't need to die. If you're really sick of it, though, you could send it to live with me for a while. :)

    I have that ON keyhole top. I think I wore it once last year and this year I finally put it in my "to donate" pile. It's not flattering at all, especially around my arms. Blech.

  2. I love your blog. I read your intro post and I love it that you guys find humor in the coy poses and pouty faces that are featured in most fashion blogs. Who does that in real life? Seriously?

    Awesome blog, keep it up! I'll be reading.

  3. Hi! Thanks for reading and appreciating our lack of coy. I mean, taking pictures of what you're wearing is weird enough without all the dumb poses, right?


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