Sunday, May 15, 2011

Marianne: It's a Double Feature, part 1.

 (reposting since Blogger ate all our posts from Thursday and Friday!) 

A couple of days ago Adrien sent me a link and said that she bought a really cute, cheap dress at Target. I was already headed to Target to buy something else, so I tried it on. And about two seconds later I texted her to say, Dude, I'm buying this dress.
This is one of those deceptively simple little dresses that you put on and instantly feel cute and 5 pounds thinner. So what I'm saying is IT'S CLEARLY WITCHCRAFT.

Whatever, I'll take it.
I work in a casual office, so I paired it with sky high sandals, a jaunty scarf, and my new/old denim jacket.
And an armful of bracelets, Man Repeller style.

But wait, THERE'S MORE. Stay tuned to see how Adrien classed this baby up. That's right. DOUBLE FEATURE!

denim jacket: Gap
scarf: vintage Vera hankie
bracelets: various handmade and thrown together


  1. I got that dress too, in the blue print and in solid black. I wore the blue one last week and liked it so much I went back for another over the weekend. Ir really is very flattering - I hope they make more colors and prints!

  2. Ha! WE ALL WEAR THE DRESS. I really hope they come out with more colors too. I don't *love* the brown but now I'm reconsidering.

  3. It comes in black?? I will buy this today, dangit.

  4. Marianne - yes, I found solid black in store this past weekend. When I got my blue one they just had blue and brown print, but when I went back later they also had solid black. I think the website may also have it in gray?

  5. What I was trying to say earlier was that I bought the dress too! We can be the Marianne Army! Just think how kick-ass we'll be!

  6. I saw this post in my feed - and instantly thought - wow she looks skinny! Um yeah - I need to run out and find that dress ASAP

  7. you girls have the best taste in shoes too...

    Love how versatile the dress is- and the yellow scarf is perfect!


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