Thursday, May 19, 2011

Marianne: Rainbow Party.

As I mentioned yesterday, it was my birthday last week. Which means it was also Lulu's birthday (did you know we have the same birthday?). Which meant throwing a Rainbow Party for my favorite two-year-old. What did I wear? I'll give you one guess.
Want a closer look at Lulu's rainbow outfit? Come on, you know you do.
On Marianne: Calypso for Target dress, Gap jean jacket (it was cold!)
On Lulu: Etsy tutu, Babylegs, Old Navy onesie, glitter Keds


  1. Y'all both look pretty darn cute!

  2. Yay! I was hoping you'd share a few b-day pics! The cake looks great, Lu looks adorable and I'm so glad you got that dress!

  3. Lara, my friend wrote it up on her blog with a few more pictures:

  4. Oh, my goodness...she is so precious! I love her two pigtails, haha. And that outfit is rockin.

  5. You are both gorgeous! She's just adorable. That dress looks great on you.

  6. So cute! You made me make that "eeee" noise out loud.

  7. That tutu just made my ovaries ache. Is that a weird thing to say?


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